Wednesday 6 April 2016

Product Review
Sufix Performance Lead Core

For my first product review I will be talking about Sufix Performance Lead Core. I have used this product for a couple years now. Over all I am very impressed with how it performs. I have 10 colour lead core spooled on my reels. 10 colours of lead core is 100 yards or 300 feet in length. Each colour is 30 feet long and sinks roughly 5 feet per colour. Letting out all 10 colours of lead core, you can obtain a depth of 50 feet very easily. Lead core has been a very effective way for me to get my baits down anywhere from 5 to 50 feet, depending on how many colours I put out. Making the lead core even more effective, I will let out the desired amount of colours to correspond with the depth of water I am targeting and then clip on an Off Shore Planer Board. This allows me to get my bait out and away from the boat. Priced on average at $19.99 for a spool of 10 colours, it is a very inexpensive way to get your baits down deep! Starting with a bare spool on my 30 series reel, I tied on and spooled 300 yards of 40 pound Sufix 832 Braid as backing. I then used a Willis Knot to tie my backing to my lead core. This knot doesn't look like much, but it hasn't failed me yet! Once the 10 colours of lead core is spooled on after the backing, I tie on a 30 foot, 30 pound Sufix Fluorocarbon Leader using the Willis Knot again. I finish it all off with a snap swivel to make it quick and easy to switch baits. I have used this setup for walleye, lake trout, northern pike and salmon. It has held up great and held its colour. If you are thinking of buying lead core and adding it to your arsenal, I highly recommend Sufix Performance Lead Core!

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